Monday, April 18, 2016

Hoy es lunes 4/18/16

Boot Verbs Skinny Poster Spanish:
Objetivo de la clase de hoy:
I. Los estudiantes van a aprender(to learn):
1. Palabras de vocabulario.
2. Conjugación (conjugation) de "Verbos Reflexivos"(reflexive verbs) y verbos con "Raíz de Cambio"(stem changing verbs).
1. Click on the above tab, located at the right hand corner of our blog page---there you will find our "daily warm-up" and "nuestra comunicación" for going over the warm up.
Actividades:--Due HOY (today):
1. Click on the above tab "Classroom google" located at the top of the page of our blog---there you will find our daily activities.

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